Call for Presentations: Austin 2025

October 08, 2024

From tinyML to the Edge of AI . . .

  • AI-Driven Sensor Fusion for Multimodal Applications
  • Real-World Success Stories: Learn from the experts who successfully deployed solutions to complex problems generating insights that impact the world in many industries including health, industrial, consumer, automotive, etc.
  • Edge AI Algorithms, Architectures, Deployment Frameworks, and Use Cases
  • Edge AI technologies for Sustainability and Energy Efficiency
  • New products leveraging Edge AI technologies (emphasis on new chips ready for mass production)
  • Edge Generative AI (use cases, applications, enabling technologies, tools, frameworks, methodology, datasets, hardware and software solutions, personalized experiences, vertical applications and business perspectives), as well as the use of Generative AI for Synthetic Data Generation
  • Standardization and best practices efforts (liaisons, contributions, on going works)

Domains of Interest 

  1. Product Focused
    Focus: Product People
    This area is dedicated to professionals focused on the development and enhancement of products utilizing Edge AI technologies. Participants will explore user-centered design, product roadmaps, and strategies for integrating Edge AI technologies into consumer and industrial products. Discussions will center around market trends, customer needs, and the practical applications of Edge AI technologies to create impactful products.
  1. Advanced Research Focused
    Focus: Highly Technical Research People
    Description: This category targets researchers and engineers delving into the cutting-edge of Edge AI technologies. Attendees will share insights on algorithm development, optimization techniques, and the latest advancements in hardware and software for Edge AI applications. Emphasis will be placed on innovative research findings, experimental methodologies, and the theoretical underpinnings that drive progress in the field.
  1. Industry Applications and Deployment
    Focus: Industry-Focused Professionals
    This area focuses on the practical deployment of Edge AI technology solutions across various industries. Participants will learn about real-world applications, case studies, and best practices for implementing Edge AI in sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, automotive, and more. Discussions will address challenges in scalability, integration, and the tangible impacts of Edge AI technologies on operational efficiency and business outcomes.
  1. Joint Submissions
    Focus: Industry- Academia
    collaborations between industry professionals and academic researchers.

Session Formats

Consider the following formats for your presentation:

  • Lecture (25 minutes): Traditional presentation format.
  • Lightning Talk (10 – 15 minutes): Quick presentation of a concept or story.
  • Poster Presenter: Visual display of research findings.
  • Workshop (60-75 minutes): Interactive format to develop solutions or provide learning experiences.
  • Demonstration (40 minutes): Live demonstration of a tool with possible interactive elements.
  • Panel (55 minutes): Discussion with multiple contributors and audience engagement.
  • Roundtable (40 minutes): Collaborative discussion where everyone participates equally.
  • Other (25 minutes): Any format that does not fit the above categories—please specify in the notes section.

Abstract Requirements 

The author should clearly state:

  • Problem statement (specific problem that their work focuses on)
  • Session Format selection
  • What Domain of Interest is it suitable for (multiple choice)
  • Relevance to Edge AI Technologies (including tinyML, neuromorphic, analog AI, efficient ML, edge GenAI, as described in introduction above) , being specific about the contribution on the field
  • The near-term impact and exploitation to the industry (otherwise consider submitting it as part of the Academia Track)
  • Technical approach and its novelty, supported by quantitative analysis including deployability studies on embedded or non embedded processors (e.g. accuracy vs memory footprint and/or computational complexity)
  • Results, including advancements being brought and their significance to the tinyML community
  • Call to Action for the tinyML Community (how to access the solution)
  • Link to already published works or presentations in public

The event will feature a mixture of high technical quality, invited presentations and a selection of presentations from this call. The submission shall contain an abstract of maximum one page and for more in depth descriptions other 3 pages with more details on the contribution and quantitative results. In total, 4 pages including the title, authors, affiliations, e-mail address of the contact author, as well as a one or two paragraph summary of the content and significance of the presentation.  The abstract will be sent back for revision if not all elements are included.


Important dates:

  • Abstract due November 29, 2024
  • Author notification December 13, 2024
  • Event is held February 25-27, 2025 in Austin, TX, USA

Contact information: