tinyML Talks: Creating individualized solutions for industrial-grade and environmental problems with TinyML

In light of recent developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning, it has become more tempting to apply machine learning to solve industrial-grade, environmental, and health-related issues. Nevertheless, at least for now, devising a solution for a large-scale problem with ML can lead to interminable workloads and exorbitant costs depending on the nature of the targeted problem. For instance, building a ubiquitous pest detection system with object recognition requires an abundance of miscellaneous data sets due to differing subspecies, soil types, environmental factors, etc.

Instead of focusing on solving a problem in every possible scenario with ML, we can create individualized solutions for industrial-grade and environmental issues with considerably low budgets and workloads. Like individualized treatment plans, the accumulation of tailored and refined ML solutions for large-scale problems instigates a significant surge in revolutionizing our world. In this presentation, to fortify the concept of benefiting from TinyML and edge devices to create individualized solutions for large-scale problems, I will demonstrate some of my proof-of-concept AIoT projects.


July 6, 2023



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Creating individualized solutions for industrial-grade and environmental problems with TinyML

Kutluhan AKTAR, Independent Researcher

Edge Impulse

Kutluhan AKTAR, Independent Researcher

Edge Impulse

I am a self-taught developer and maker who enjoys contemplating proof-of-concept AIoT projects in various fields. I was an aspiring physics major, but I decided to drop out of university in order to follow my vocation to be an independent researcher and build original projects from scratch. With the help of lots of innovative companies, I have been able to keep devising inspiring projects and realize my ideas in recent years as an occupation.

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